Critical Care Unit (CCU)
✧ Intensive care units in the St.Theresa’s Hospital are run and staffed by specialists trained in intensive care.
✧ Once a patient is admitted to the unit the intensive care team will manage the care of the patient in consultation with the original team that admitted the patient to the hospital and any other specialists that they think can help to aid the patient’s recovery.
✧ The intensive care doctors and nurses will give the best overview and general update on the patient, but they may refer relatives to the specialist teams for discussion of certain aspects of care.24 HRS Doctors are available in CCU for the high quality care in CCU.
✧ Patients need to be sedated to tolerate the help they need with their breathing.
✧ Relatives often want to know if they can talk to the patient or touch them and this is usually encouraged. Reassuring voices and contact can really help patients.
✧ Critical Care Unit is equipped with Potable Ventilators with advanced settings, Bipap,C-Pap, and Twelve Electric Beds with remote operating facility.
✧ CCU is equipped with twelve monitors which continuously monitor the Heart rate, electrical tracing (ECG), Oxygen levels in the blood, Blood pressure, Pressure in the veins (CVP), Temperature.
✧ Central lines, Arterial lines, Urinary Catheter care etc. are being performed in CCU. Sometimes bed side Tracheostomy Procedure is also done for critically ill patients.
✧ Bed Side Dialysis is done for critically ill patients. CCU is also equipped with All Potable Equipment like Dialysis Machine, Ultrasound Machine, and 2DECHO Machine.
✧ The intensive care team aim to regularly update relatives, friends and careers on the patient’s condition.
✧ Video Counseling is done at the patient’s bedside and near the counseling area.